
Plan Phoenix: Combining Matchmaking and Style

Our dedication to our clients goes beyond the matchmaking process and extends to lifestyle consulting in areas including wellness (nutrition and fitness), appearance, style, and personal shopping to help each client reveal the best version of him or herself. We present a pragmatic solution that marries timeless and modern strategies, providing discerning clients a time efficient, effective and enjoyable solution to dating in the modern wo

Wall Street Stylist has partnered with Lisa Clampitt Matchmaking to offer “Plan Phoenix.”

Not every client shows up to a matchmaking firm ready for love. It falls to the matchmaker to make sure that person has everything they need to not only meet new people but have the tools, skills, and confidence to make a relationship work. In addition to Matchmaking and Styling, our team has branched out to Photographers, Make Up Artists, Hair Stylists and other experts in the industry to support its clients through every aspect of dating. 

Our team is results-oriented and solution-focused, so we’re eager to partner with professionals who can improve a client’s chances of meeting someone special and making a great first impression. The personalized styling process can also boost their confidence by making them feel good about how they look and who they are.

Ultimately, how a person dresses can communicate a lot about their confidence levels, and that’s something that can be a dealbreaker on a date. Confident, comfortable, and collected daters attract positive attention because they take the time to ensure their clothing suits them perfectly.  Together, Matchmakers and Stylists have the ability to inspire clients with confidence and lead them to romantic success. This can be especially important for adult singles who haven’t kept up with fashion and don’t often give much thought to how they look.

If you’ve ever dreamed of having a celebrity stylist dedicated to helping you look your best, our packages can make that a reality. You’ll discover the clothing styles and fit that work for you, maximize the wardrobe you already own and get on-trend hair, skin and beauty advice to take your look and confidence to the next level. The Platinum package even includes a professional photoshoot to capture your transformation.